Windows and Doors
Your Local Timber and uPVC Windows and Doors Supplier
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Imperial Contractors has the years of experience to know replacement windows installation is as valuable as the quality of the new windows.
The commercial window installation process is hassle-free and easy to manage with Imperial Contractors.
Our Services
Timber Windows and Doors Supply
Feel the difference that real wood can make to your home.
uPVC Windows and Doors Supply
Designed and manufactured to withstand the harsh and wet UK climate.
Composite and Fire Doors Supply
The preferred choice of double glazed external doors for many homeowners, diyer’s and tradesmen.
New Windows and Doors Installation
A Good installation practice avoids damage, maintains quality and saves you money.
Secondary Glazing
Installing supplementary glazing on the inside of an existing single-glazed window.
Windows and Doors Refurbishment
We dismantle your windows and doors and restore or repair them.
Why Chose Us
For over 15 years we’ve been supplying our London and Hertfordshire customers with high-quality customised timber and upvc windows and doors.